If I ever own a restaurant, it’ll be called “The Cheap and Tasty.”  How many times have you sat around going, where do we want to go tonight?  I dunno… somewhere cheap and tasty.  I’d eat there. 

Clarence and Wilson, brothers, get it on as Kayda watches. 

brotherly love

We had a really nice Sunday.  We went up to Altamonte, saw a couple florists, and tried a new restaurant: 

Mimi\'s Cafe

It’s a fun place with a New Orleans theme, good food, and reasonable prices for sandwiches. 

We went to his parents’ house after lunch and they (Scott and parents) gave me an early birthday present – a GPS!  I’m very excited about this.  I was in no way expecting anything this nice.  It’ll save so much gas money – and frustration.  If anyone needs one of these things, it’s me.  It’s hard to explain how non-existent my sense of direction is.  This plant has a better sense of direction than me: 


This is Spidey the Spider plant by the way.  They’re pretty self-sufficient.  If you have a brown thumb, this is the plant for you.  Cacti died on me all the time.  I killed them with love, watering them way too much.  The spider plant on the other hand loves sun and water.  It’s perfectly happy in just water… you can even break off a sprig and stick it in a vase or bottle.  I like to save cool bottles to use as vases.  It drives Scott nuts having tiny plants all through the house. 


My dad and I saw The Counterfeiters at the Enzian this afternoon.  It was Oscar-worthy and I didn’t bawl like I normally do at Holocaust movies.  It begged two broad moral questions.  Would you counterfeit money (or some other action) to support the regime that’s systematically, brutally eradicating your people if it saved your life?  Would you betray a fellow victim who was sabotaging your efforts to help that regime succeed?  I think most people would answer yes and yes.  The will to live makes people capable of almost anything. 

On another note, I installed a wireless router!  Go me! 

Awww, thank you, guys!  I found out some good news today…  All parents involved are helping out.  Whew, that takes a load off. 

Tomorrow, we’re visiting a couple of florists.  One of them wants to meet us at a Starbuck’s instead of the shop.  Yeah… I don’t get that one either.   

I’m setting up an appointment with another caterer.  We met with a couple caterers already.  The first one asked for an amount that was more than our entire budget.  I wasn’t there, but was told they put the price on a projector screen in something like 1000 size font and Scott’s eyes immediately glazed over.  The second caterer was the total opposite – very reasonable budget, down home Southern looking.  I guess we’re looking for the best of both worlds – reasonable pricing and slightly more upscale food.  



sub rosa \suhb-ROH-zuh\, adverb:
1. Secretly; privately; confidentially.

1. Designed to be secret or confidential; secretive; private.

Second, Abramson argues that since a certain amount of jury nullification goes on anyway, sub rosa, it should be brought out into the open.
— Richard A. Posner, “Juries on trial”, Commentary, March 1, 1995

Sub rosa comes from the Latin, literally “under the rose,” from the ancient association of the rose with confidentiality, the origin of which traces to a famous story in which Cupid gave Harpocrates, the god of silence, a rose to bribe him not to betray the confidence of Venus. Hence the ceilings of Roman banquet-rooms were decorated with roses to remind guests that what was spoken sub vino (under the influence of wine) was also sub rosa.

Dictionary.com Entry and Pronunciation for sub rosa

I suck at sports.  If you’ve ever seen me bowl, throw darts, or hit a few balls at a driving range or a tennis court, it’s obvious within painful seconds.  Having lived in Florida for most of my life, I still can’t float, much less tread water.  We won’t even discuss sports that require teamwork.  I want nothing to do with sports for the most part.  So, to most people, it comes as a surprise that I’m a big Orlando Magic fan. 

I’m falling out of my chair excited that the Magic have advanced past round one of the Eastern Conference semi-finals.  From day one, I’ve yelled at the TV when the refs made bad calls, sighed when we missed easy shots, and clapped my hands giddy with glee at impossible passes and baskets.  I watched when we were so bad it hurt to watch, and now I’m watching us tear up the court like winning’s easy.  Stats-wise, the Pistons look a little better, but we definitely have a shot.  Thank God they’re not the Pistons of old.  Once they announce actual dates, I’m buying tickets.   

2007-08 Season Statistics




How do I go about getting recycling pick up?  My complex doesn’t do recycling.  I did some cleaning the other day and threw out a whole garbage bag of plastic, paper, and glass.  I’m a bad person.  Half of it was junk mail I didn’t even open.  I’m lucky paying bills can be done online because I have a serious problem with checking the mail.  Our mail carrier probably wonders if anyone still lives here.  I’m considering signing up for one of these junk mail removal services that for a small fee removes your name from mailing lists and plants a tree every month for each member, or donates a portion of that money to local schools and such. 



This picture was taken a couple months ago. 

My boy has such good taste.




If I ever plead temporary insanity, my defense would be built around road rage.  I’ve got a baaaad case of this.  What’s with all the dumbasses and assholes on the road, anyway?  I suppose my lack of patience and tolerance behind the wheel makes me one of them.  I can’t help it…  There are so many honkworthy moments when driving, I feel justified to tap the horn a little – just a little – to let someone know they are driving me up a friggin’ wall.  In a Corolla, it sounds more like a bicycle horn.  Nothing threatening about it.  My blood pressure is rising as we speak.  Normally, I’m a pretty calm, nice person.  But, put me behind a couple tons of metal and some glass and I go all Jekyll and Hyde.  I should start doing yoga.